
September’s Woman of Purpose: Jerra Simmons, Mind Over Matter.

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After a long day of work, walk into the OKC Planet Fitness gym to squeeze in a workout and you just might find the extra motivation that you needed. As you begrudgingly find your way to the treadmills, it would be difficult not to focus on the 5’5″ lean yet muscular Jerra Simmons as she guides a client through some heavy squatting. Watching from afar, the transformation of not only the client’s physical body but witnessing something much greater happening. You are witnessing the building of a woman’s confidence and that power through Jerra’s unique style of instruction, motivates you to crank up the speed on your treadmill a little more.

Observing Jerra, you might think to yourself, “Man she’s lucky! I wish I looked like that? How can I get a body like that?”  But this body wasn’t built over night. And for the same reason she concentrates on the mental aspect of training her clients, she too has a story of transformation.

Melanie Verdell: I can’t believe how far you  have come! I am so proud of you for following your calling. It takes a lot of courage to do that.

Jerra Simmons: Thank you! Yes it does, and a lot of prayer!

MV: But how did you get here? When did you discover your purpose?

JS: It was about a year ago, I was in the shower, because thats where I pray and talk to God, and I asked him what my purpose was.

MV: Was this the first time that you’d asked him?

JS: Yes and No, I had been praying about it before, but this was the first time that I really wanted an answer. I heard him say that my purpose was to help people reach their fitness goals with mental and physical confidence. He told me I needed to get certified so that people would take me seriously.

MV: Wow, When you get detailed instructions like that from God, it’s time to take action. That must of been exciting for you to finally get the answer you were praying for.

JS: It was exciting but it was very scary. I had never had a message from God so clear. 

MV: When you began praying for your purpose, how did you know that the job you had at the time was not what you were called to do?

JS: I never felt comfortable doing it. I never had a passion for it. One day day I realized that it was just a job. I didn’t enjoy it and it was only a way for me to make money.

MV: Yeah, people living that type of existence have always been close to my heart. I never want anyone to have to live like that. Working a job that you have no passion or excitement about is torturous and draining. And it’s so unnecessary when God put a purpose in each and every one of us. Why would anyone want to live like that?

JS: Because you don’t know. You just know you need a job, and money to support  yourself. And that is what becomes your priority.

MV: You are absolutely right. Most of the time we have made commitments and have responsibilities that we must follow through on. What did you do when God spoke to you and gave you your purpose? I’m sure you didn’t just go into work the next day and quit your job did you?

JS: No, I did a lot of praying after that. A lot of praying to confirm that I had heard God correctly. I talked to people I trusted like you, and some other people in my life that have a heart for God and their purpose, people I respected.

MV: Surrounding yourself with like minded people is very important. Was there anyone that told you not to do it?

JS: Yes, when God first spoke to me I went to dinner with my boyfriend that night. I told him what I thought God had said to me and that I was going to pursue becoming a personal trainer. He told me that he didn’t think that was a good idea, and said that he didn’t think that I was a “people person”.

MV: Isn’t that crazy? The closest people to you are usually the ones you get the most criticism and negativity from when you share with them your plans to do something different. Many times it is out of love but it’s their fear that leads them to be so concerned. How important do you think it is to guard your heart and the word that God gives you, especially in the beginning stages?

JS: I’m learning to keep God’s word to me to myself until an appropriate time. Sometimes other people can change your mind with their opinions that are purely based on their own lives and past experiences.

MV: Yes, people often try to impart their lack of faith and understanding onto you, but God didn’t give the word to them, he gave it to you, so it’s important to guard your mind and your heart regarding that word until it has had time to take root and develop. God plants a seed in you from day one. You were formed for a purpose and many people don’t quite understand that. They think it’s the other way around. But God created each of us for a purpose.

Now knowing what your purpose is, and looking back on your life, can you now see the seed that God planted in you? The seed that grew this passion for fitness?

JS: Looking back, I remember when I realized that I was a lot thinner than the rest of the kids in my class. I remember it was around the time that I was in the 5th grade and my parents were going through a divorce. I wasn’t dealing with it well and I’d stopped eating. I was already very thin and when I stopped eating I developed Anorexia Nervosa. My mother ended up noticing how unhealthy I started looking and stepped in. I had to have surgery to correct some of the damage that I had done to my body. It was a long recovery for me to get back to a healthy mental state as well as physical.

MV: What did you do to recover from that?

JS: It was very difficult for me to put on weight, even when I ate. I started playing basketball and running track for my school. It was then that I began to build muscle and saw a positive change in my body.

MV: That had to be mentally challenging for you to build confidence through all of this.

JS: It was. That is why the mental state of my clients is so important to me. Confidence starts from within before you lose a single pound or gain an ounce of muscle. It’s about your state of mind.

MV: So with all of this confidence to see you through, have you ran into any obstacles while getting to the point that you are now at?

JS: Of course, there were many. Finding what certification was best for me and which one I could afford at the time was a challenge. Working a full time job and trying to study for my certification was very hard. I finally resigned from my position because I was ready to give 100% of myself to my purpose. It was very scary and still is at times but definitely worth it. I’m on this journey that I know I am meant to be on.

MV: Are you happier now?

JS: Absolutely! It was so scary but I had to plan for in between [financially] and putting all of my attention on my business has changed my life for the better. I am so much happier everyday now.

MV: You enjoy what you do because you were created for it! Go figure! So Ms. Simmons, how do you see the future playing out?

JS: Some days are harder than others but I see myself continuing to build my business and helping as many people as I can. I’m not in this to be a big Instagram star or for fame at all.

MV: What advice would you give to someone who has been searching for their purpose?

JS: Definitely pray about it. Make sure you talk to like minded people and research, research, research.  Don’t think too much or talk yourself out of it. Figure out a way to make it happen and do it!

MV: Mind over matter right? The awesome thing about that is, if it’s God, you won’t have to figure it out. He will show you how to make it happen for sure!

What success have you had helping your clients reach their fitness goals?

JS: If you go to my website, you will see the programs I offer and the progress of some of my clients.  I can definitely get those inches off of you!


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JS: In a few  months I can help you shed inches and really see a difference.

MV: Do you have any workout programs for people who are not in OKC?

JS: Yes if you inbox me on Facebook, or DM me on Instagram. I can get you a great workout wherever you are. I have a 30 minute full body workout video and a 15 minute ab workout available.

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MV: And I have that workout video, it is awesome and so are you Jerra! Thank you for being a woman of purpose! I am sure that the world will be seeing a lot more from you in the future.

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The Pressure of Process: P.U.S.H. Through!


In moments of despair it is easy to question why God takes us through so much to get to the place that we need to be. I mean let’s be honest, he is God, he could easily create a shortcut or chose the path of least resistance to achieve the same goal right? What is it in the process that he feels is necessary for us to experience?

It is fact that most natural diamonds are formed at high temperature and pressure. If God did not take us through the process of changing, stretching, and shifting, we would not be prepared for the space that  he has created us for and is taking us to.  Without tests and trials, our faith would not be proven.

Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it’s your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of his victory.“1 Peter 1:7-17 MSG

Growth requires pressure and pressure is painful. Know that God is preparing you for the next level and praise him in advance!


Divine Esteem and Dress for Success

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This week I had the pleasure of participating in the Dress for Success Makeover Day for the women in the program. It was an amazing day of transformation as the women received free hair, makeup, and career wardrobes. I saw the transformation of women who saw  themselves as they really were for the first time and as always it filled me heart.

Often times we believe who the world tells us we are and should be but in most cases it is the exact opposite of who God created us to be and that is why we are not fulfilled. God’s word tells us that we were chosen before the creation of the world. It doesn’t get more special than that! If we would only take the risk of rejecting the world titles that we have come to except and allow God to show us who he made each of us to be, it is then that we will reach our greatest potential and have the Divine Esteem to serve the world.



A View From The Top


There will come a time in the life of a believer when everything that you have worked for is hinging on the next decision that you make. Not only can this be intimidating, but down right stressful no matter who you are. How do you know the right move to make without setting yourself back or worse, failing all together? Has God ever gone silent when you needed his word the most?

It may seem like a huge gamble when it is time to take the next step, but only if you make the decision from the perception of your own understanding. The only way to see the full picture of your life is to climb to the top of the proverbial mountain and align yourself with God and his vision for you. He knows the beginning and the end and it’s a much better view!


Anointed to Fight


(Teamster Detroit Local 299 protesting in Washington to stop pension cuts.)

It is tempting to conclude that we have not heard the voice of God when we are faced with opposition along the road to destiny. It is easy for the enemy to convince us that maybe we heard our assignment wrong and that whatever we believed God has called us to do, might just be out of our reach.

When the twist and turns of our faith journey brings us to this point, we must  know that it doesn’t mean that God is not with us. Each one of us is anointed to fight these battles. We must know that these battles will make us stronger and give us the experience that we need to fulfill the purpose that we were created for. We must exercise our faith and authority over the enemy and fight the good fight until the victory is won. Unfortunately there is no easy road to take when obtaining the promises of God. God never said that it would be easy, he only said that it would be worth it!



Focusing on the Fine Print


Have you ever prayed to God for something, received it, then realized that the requirements to maintain it were much greater than you ever imagined?  Did the excitement from the blessing wear off once you began to focus on the portion  that contained the challenges and requirements of the new contract between you and God, (often referred to as the “fine print”)? Did it cause you to question if you even wanted it anymore?  It is a crazy feeling to have. The emotions that you experience can include guilt, confusion, remorse, and insecurity. If you are not sure  what God’s purpose for you is, those emotions, although perfectly normal, might lead you to abort your mission of destiny.

“When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.” Luke 12:48

For every level of success that you obtain there will be a higher threshold of discomfort that you must be able to withstand as you settle in to a new normal. As responsibilities change and shape you into the person that God has created you to be, you must remember that  every new experience is designed to give you the character that is  needed to get the job done. Focusing on the fine print can be overwhelming but in the end very empowering if you don’t allow it to defeat you. It is empowering because at first glance fear tries to take over. After you face this fear head on and decide to focus on the big picture instead which is your purpose and the blessing itself, you find that with the help of God you are actually well equipped to handle these requirements. You were built for this! They will just take some getting use to. You often find that you have to grow in to each level of your destiny and after a while you are then prepared for a promotion to an even higher level that will take you to your next step.

So don’t shy away from the “fine print”.  It is here that you will find God’s strength and your growth. It is in the challenges that you overcome that you can stand confident and discover who God has really made you to be, an overcomer and a victorious conqueror in his name.




Is There More to Life Than This?


The Bridge to Nowhere


Have you ever felt like you were on a long winding bridge to nowhere? As the years pass by and unaccomplished goals began to fall to the bottom of your checklist into the “never going to happen” file, we often  find that what is left, can easily be summed up into three categories. Go to work, pay bills, and die. As responsibilities determine more and more of our important life decisions, do you find yourself  feeling like there has to be more to life than this?

If you have found this to be true I would like for you to ask yourself three questions.

1. How much control does society and the media have over our hopes and dreams?

Many outside elements can effect the development of our life’s expectations. Every day we are saturated with images of perceived beauty, romance, career, and family lifestyles to aspire to. As the media drives culture with marketing and advertising, our perception of what we want out of life begins to conform to the intended level of conventionally defined success. Culture drives the creation of value and we find ourselves being programed like robots to live lives that we were not intended to live. As we compete with our neighbors, family members and others around us to reach the imaginary brass ring, we create a lifestyle that is further away from our destiny. We are also now working long unfulfilled, and sometimes agonizing hours to maintain this. Meanwhile the media that produces this need to obtain these things grows more powerful. As a result our souls are left empty and depleted when we find that after obtaining these things we are still not as happy as we thought we would be, but still we press on.  This creates a never ending cycle of longing and debt  that eventually snowballs into misery instead of contentment. When we are not confident in who we are, we become susceptible to outside definitions of ourselves.

2. How do we recover from the past failed attempts to fulfill our dreams? 

It can be emotionally exhausting to recall the many failed attempts that one may have had to fulfill their dreams in the past. When one strategy does not work in the way that we anticipated we are faced with the choice to either keep going, try again, or abort the process all together. It has been said that the quickest way to ensure success is to increase your rate of failure. If this is true, then what better reason can we find to try again? Dreams do not have an expiration date and we can not allow pain or embarrassment to stop us from obtaining our goals. With each failure there is a lesson that is learned through experience. With each failure we are that much closer to obtaining all of the elements that are needed for the winning formula. God said that he will do a new thing! It is never too late to try it again!

3. At what point do we hand our dreams over to God and what does that really mean?

13 Listen! You who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this city and stay a year and make money.” 14 You do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? It is like fog. You see it and soon it is gone. 15 What you should say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.” 16 But instead you are proud. You talk loud and big about yourselves. All such pride is sin. James 4:13-16 (NLV)

We often fall short when our hearts are not in line with God. Our plans will often disappoint us when we leave God out of them. He has placed specific dreams in us for a reason and he gives us the desires of our hearts. When we seek him, it is then that we find more to life.  It is then that we unlock the gift of wholeness and adventure that fuels the fire of purpose. So clear the dust from your museum of ideas and begin your next day with a refreshed  confidence. It is in God that you will find a new expectation that this time will not fail.


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Why Don’t You Love Your Job?


Do you love your job? If the answer is no, don’t worry, you are not alone. The last Gallup poll on employee engagement showed that only 13% of employees world wide were engaged at work. That leaves a whopping 87% of employees staring at the clock all day, wishing they were somewhere else. So what is it that allows us to continue down the path of mediocrity day after day? Are you spending years of your life building someone else’s wealth? Are you currently overseeing someone else’s vision and promoting someone else’s agenda? Do the core values and the mission of the company that you work for align with your purpose and personal cause? Again, if the answer is no, you are not alone, but  you have some reevaluating to do.

We often let let the responsibilities of life bring us to a point of compromise. When we allow monetary gain to decide our fate, we become prostitutes of our souls. We are literally selling or time and energy to the highest bidder without receiving genuine personal satisfaction in exchange.

I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 NLV

You have to believe that  you were born for something greater. A divine purpose that only you are uniquely made to fulfill. If you spend Sunday evenings dreading Monday mornings then you will understand what a life outside of that purpose feels like. When you accept money as your number one motivation in selecting a career, many times fulfillment and purpose are placed on the back burner. How long are you willing to live outside of the purpose that you were created for? Tapping into the power of God will allow you to tap into your God given  calling and allow you live an authentic life of service and fulfillment.  It will also provide for you and your family in ways that you can not imagine. God’s will is for us to live an abundant life but you have to be willing to do the work to get there. You are already “doing the work” for someone else, why not do it for God? You will get a much greater return on your investment with guaranteed success!

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Do you know what your P.U.S.H. occupation is? What is a P.U.S.H. occupation you ask? A P.U.S.H. occupation is the calling that stretches you to the level of destiny that you were created for. What drives you to do more than the average person? What stretches you beyond your current situation because the desired outcome is your only focus and it is more important than any of the obstacles that stand in the way? What fulfills you the most?

What you?

There is Purpose in each of us. God placed us on this earth for a reason. Do you know what that reason is? Do you know what is Unique about you? There are Spiritual Gifts and Skills that set you apart from everyone else and when these skills and gifts are used for your specific calling you are anointed to accomplish God’s ultimate plan. Who does your Heart go out to? There are certain people that you relate to for a reason and your heart goes out to them because you are called to them. Everything in your past that you have experienced makes you one of them and now it is your time to answer the call.

So I ask you again, what you? What is your P.U.S.H. occupation? Are you ready to find out? Begin your journey here.





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