
The Pressure of Process: P.U.S.H. Through!


In moments of despair it is easy to question why God takes us through so much to get to the place that we need to be. I mean let’s be honest, he is God, he could easily create a shortcut or chose the path of least resistance to achieve the same goal right? What is it in the process that he feels is necessary for us to experience?

It is fact that most natural diamonds are formed at high temperature and pressure. If God did not take us through the process of changing, stretching, and shifting, we would not be prepared for the space that  he has created us for and is taking us to.  Without tests and trials, our faith would not be proven.

Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it’s your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of his victory.“1 Peter 1:7-17 MSG

Growth requires pressure and pressure is painful. Know that God is preparing you for the next level and praise him in advance!


Anointed to Fight


(Teamster Detroit Local 299 protesting in Washington to stop pension cuts.)

It is tempting to conclude that we have not heard the voice of God when we are faced with opposition along the road to destiny. It is easy for the enemy to convince us that maybe we heard our assignment wrong and that whatever we believed God has called us to do, might just be out of our reach.

When the twist and turns of our faith journey brings us to this point, we must  know that it doesn’t mean that God is not with us. Each one of us is anointed to fight these battles. We must know that these battles will make us stronger and give us the experience that we need to fulfill the purpose that we were created for. We must exercise our faith and authority over the enemy and fight the good fight until the victory is won. Unfortunately there is no easy road to take when obtaining the promises of God. God never said that it would be easy, he only said that it would be worth it!

